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teribloG/2 2010-12

Author: rijo

Date: December 7, 2012

Subject: Hail to the chief - Frank Harris is 90 years of youth!


(Graphics: Gerhard Jochem, Norman Rockwell & Time Magazine)

Unconditionally and without ado: We salute Frank A. Harris, the founder, mastermind and dynamo of the Nuremberg-Fuerth Survivors Group, a real unique individual, our friend and paragon on his special birthday and thank his wife Beri for being his counterpart in a terrific team. Mazel tov, till 100 and beyond!


A Tribute to Frank

Frank's biography

Our reverences to Frank's 89th birthday

Video interview with Frank


Author: rijo

Date: November 29, 2012

Subject: Willie Glaser saying Kaddish in Belzec 2012


Willie Glaser in Belzec
(screenshot from the YouTube video)

In July Fuerth born Willie Glaser, a multiple contributor to rijo, at 91 years of age visited Poland again, together with his nephew Mr. Lawrence Black. One of the purposes of their trip was to say Kaddish for Willie's mother Adele and his siblings Bertha, Leo and Frieda who were murdered by the Nazis at Belzec death camp in 1942, almost exactly 70 years ago.

Beneath you find links to a video of their prayer at the site of the former camp, the story of his mother meticulously researched by Willie and the beginning of a teribloG thread documenting the activities of this phenomenal individual whom we are proud of to call our friend.


YouTube video of Willie Glaser and his nephew in Belzec

The chronicles Adele Glaser by Willie Glaser (Index)

Willie Glaser participating in Canadian Holocaust commemoration (April 2012)


Author: rijo

Date: November 28, 2012

Subject: Prof. Kurt E. Shuler on the consequences of the Holocaust for Germany and the world


Thinking of the Holocaust how many potential Einsteins, Mendelssohns, Liebermanns, Heines, Freuds, etc. did the world lose from this senseless slaughter? After the passage of time I doubt that this is a subject of discussion in present day Germany. From my reading and discussions with my colleagues I know that serious mathematics was lost for a generation in Germany.

Links to texts by Prof. Shuler:

The success of the sub-humans and global racism and discrimination today

Forgetful Remembrance: Compromised Chemists at the Renaming Ceremony of the Richard Willstaetter Gymnasium 1965 in Nuremberg


Author: rijo

Date: November 27, 2012

Subject: Happy Birthday, Jimi!


(Graphics: Gerhard Jochem)


Jimi's biography on Wikipedia


Author: rijo

Date: January 06, 2015

Subject: Emails from Israel

M.L., November 20, 2012
I am sitting much of the time in the shelter. Last night was quiet but this morning, in one huge barrage, the Hamas terrorists fired 16 Grad missiles at us in Beer Sheva all at once. Except for 3 missiles, all were stopped by the "Iron Dome." The three that were not stopped caused much physical damage, but thank heaven, everyone followed the instructions of the Home Front and there were no serious injuries.

M.L., November 21, 2012
We in the South are the closest and therefore the main targets. Beer Sheva gets as many as 20 Grad missiles an hour. Many did go North, and I sent my daughter off to Jerusalem for a little quiet. She and her flat mates have been prisoners in their own home for 8 days. They have to wake up and get to their flat's safe area several times a night, and are not allowed to go out during the day. Not a healthy life for those kids!! There has been no school, no work, no university classes, lectures, events ... everyone must stay near a shelter and no groups larger than 50 people can gather at the same time. So far, we have had very few deaths, thanks be!!

M.M., November 21, 2012
The amazing thing is that we try not to hit civilians and spend endless amounts in trying to save our civilians. They try to hit civilians and also hide behind unprotected civilians and, then, we are to blame.


Facts instead of propaganda


Author: rijo

Date: November 20, 2012

Subject: Facts instead of propaganda


(Graphics: IDF)

Read the IDF Blog and you may learn:

* That they are no bloodthirsty monsters.

* That they do not target civilians.

* That they do not hide behind their women and children.

* That they do not abuse religion to justify murder.

* That they do not intend to drive any other nation into the Mediterranean Sea.

* But also that they will take no chance whether or not Hamas is just kidding about erasing Israel from the map.

War is shit so no one should wage it by wantonly firing missiles into a country ready to defend itself, you cynic idiots!


The IDF Website


Author: rijo

Date: November 15, 2012

Subject: Yiddish Curses on Republican Jews


* May you sell everything and retire to Florida just as global warming makes it uninhabitable.

* May you live to a hundred and twenty without Social Security or Medicare.

* May you make a fortune, and lose it all in one of Sheldon Adelson's casinos.

* May you live to a ripe old age, and may the only people who come visit you be Mormon missionaries.

* May your son be elected President, and may you have no idea what you did with his goddamn birth certificate.

* May your grandchildren baptize you after you're dead.

* May your insurance company decide constipation is a pre-existing condition.

* May you find yourself insisting to a roomful of skeptics that your great-grandmother was legitimately raped by Cossacks.

* May you feast every day on chopped liver with onions, chicken soup with dumplings, baked carp with horseradish, braised meat with vegetable stew, latkes, and may every bite of it be contaminated with E. Coli, because the government gutted the E.P.A.

* May you have a rare disease and need an operation that only one surgeon in the world, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, is able to perform. And may he be unable to perform it because he doesn't take your insurance. And may that Nobel Laureate be your son.

* May the state of Arizona expand their definition of suspected illegal immigrants to anyone who doesn't hunt.

* May you be reunited in the world to come with your ancestors, who were all socialist garment workers.

Thank you Susi for forwarding them to us!


rijo Index Humor


Author: rijo

Date: November 03, 2012

Subject: Masters of the universe


(Graphics: rijo)

According to Time Magazine, those guys are the next generation of China's political leaders.
What exactly gives me the creeps about them?

a) That they claim to be communists while looking like traveling salesmen for vacuum cleaners?

b) That they belong to the most powerful people in the world and nobody knows them?

c) That they obviously are customers of the same vintage 1970s barber shop?

Dunno - but certainly I would not want to be their subject.



(More) reasons to ruminate


Author: rijo

Date: October 26, 2012

Subject: Asking a favor


(Graphics: rijo)

Dear Americans: Before you cast your vote, please consider that Abraham Lincoln never would have won a TV debate with his Gettysburg address. Don't lower your standards as far as honesty is concerned unless you want to lose what your country made great.


Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 2009


Author: rijo

Date: October 21, 2012

Subject: Siemens in the USA


According to an article in the newspaper's Muenchner Merkur issue of October 18, 2012, the American branch of the globally acting Siemens company with its headquarters in Munich is trying hard to style itself as genuine red, white and blue since 160 years. Among other public relation gimmicks the firm is sponsoring the Spaceship Earth venue at Disney's Epcot Center in Orlando (FL) where visitors are introduced to the great inventions of humankind and the fact that Siemens employs 60,000 people in the U.S.

There is no mentioning of the corporate history in Germany, particularly the years between 1933 and 1945. For those who care and for the management of Siemens USA the following links offer some private lessons on this topic by former slave laborers from Auschwitz, most of whom emigrated to America after their liberation.


I had never heard of Nuremberg before. Female concentration camp prisoners from Auschwitz at the Siemens-Schuckert plant

One Left, Just One: A Child's Point of View of the Holocaust, by Margaret Marketa Novak

Magda Watts: Imagination and creativity as weapons against the terrors of the Holocaust


Author: rijo

Date: October 13, 2012

Subject: Writings on the wall - Graffiti of Allied military personnel at the Nuremberg Nazi rally grounds

The signatures displayed below, maybe carved into the stone by using coins, are situated in the stairway of the Zeppelin Grand Stand on the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg. Probably they were made by servicemen or authorized civilians from the USA, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands because the structure then belonged to an area of limited access restricted by the U.S. Army. It is likely that the non-Americans were on duty here during the Nuremberg war crime trials while the G.I.s could have been part of the local occupation forces or the trials' staff.

All of them toured the site of the Nazi propaganda shows, climbed the same stairs as Hitler and his comrades did and felt the urge to leave a sign of their visit. It would be nice if by publicizing those photos we could reconnect Art, Doug, Hank and Tich or their offspring to this experience 67 years ago and learn more about the background of their stay in our city.

Zeppelin Grand Stand on the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg
(all photos: Susanne Rieger)



Stairway of the Grand Stand



P.H. [?] Antal, Belle Vernon (Pennsylvania), 369 May Street



G. Arts, Nijmegen (Holland) 11 - 3 - 46



E.J. Baldwin, San Diego, (California)



J.A. Britton, Lubbock (Texas)



G. Brown, Edinburgh, 20 - 11 - 45



Hank Davison (Delaware)



Doug, London
Ging, Manchester
Stevy, Birmingham
Joe, London
Tich, Walsall
61st Recce [Reconnaissance] LAD [Light Aid Detachment?]
3 - 3 - 46



Phil Hawker, Delta (Colorado)



Henry C. Newsom, Fitzgerald (Georgia), 612 West Suwanee Street, August 1945 [date not visible in the picture]



Th[eo.?] Pugh, Podunk (Kentucky)



PFC Robert Stanton, Chicago, 7 - 4 - 1945
PFC Jul. Bellamy, Springfield (Massachusetts)




Coping with a bulky heritage: The Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg and the Documentation Center

A Farewell to Arms: The Nuremberg U.S. Military Community 1945 - 1995 - Our book transit nürnberg #4: USA!

Former Merrell Barracks and the surrounding area today

Opening of the Memorial Nuremberg Trials (November 2010)




Author: rijo

Date: October 8, 2014

Subject: Applause, applause for rijo!



Not only the most famous frog in the world is ecstatic but we too: It took us mere eight months (from October 2011 to June 2012) to set another all time high of unique visitors (3612) and hits (83,358 - for comparison the numbers for June 2011: 2998 / 56,424) of our websites.

Our success is YOUR achievement by dropping by to check out our contents. Thank you very much and please keep coming back!


rijo Homepage

About our last record in October 2011


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: October 4, 2012

Subject: The Mentor by Robert Day Potter: A 2nd ACR veteran's Nuremberg novel


Robert Day Potter with his later wife Gerdi
(Photo: private)


Cover of The Mentor

In August 2012 Robert Day Potter who served with the 2nd ACR from 1963 to 1966 published his book The Mentor. Shaping a New Generation which is situated in Nuremberg, the city that in his own words changed the course of my life, in search of truth, understanding, and peace.

The novel is about a young G.I. stationed in Nuremberg in the 1960s who in retrospective unveils to his grandson a mystic experience: A traumatic confrontation induces in him a state of what Carl Jung termed the collective unconscious, the heritage of the entire human race. Guided by his personal mentor he encounters and becomes apprenticed to four historical characters of sixteenth century Nuremberg who represent the archetypes of manhood: Warrior, Werkmeister, King and Lover. He learns his lessons well, survives numerous perils and returns to his own time prepared to take his place in the world.

The author and I met by sheer luck in April 2011 when he revisited Nuremberg doing research for his book. We had an extensive talk about his time in Merrell Barracks and how he befriended his wife Gerdi here, all motives woven into the narrative of The Mentor. He then purchased one copy of our book transit nuernberg #4: USA! right away.

The publishing of The Mentor adds another specific and fascinating perspective to the Nuremberg experience of young Americans besides the strictly factual accounts in transit nuernberg #4 as an important step towards becoming men.

Robert Day Potter: The Mentor. Shaping a New Generation. Ephesus Press Hillsboro (WI) 2012. ISBN 978-0-615-67718-7.


transit nuernberg #4, city tours, posters: Our triple whopper about Americans in Nuremberg


Author: rijo

Date: June 7, 2012

Subject: Willie Glaser participating in Canadian Holocaust commemoration


Willie Glaser (2nd from the left) at the candle lighting ceremony in Ottawa
(Photo: private)


PM Stephen Harper delivering his speech on April 23, 2012
(Photo: private)

Our friend and multiple guest-author, Fuerth born Willie Glaser was honored by the government of his homeland of Canada being invited to participate in the National Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony (Yom HaShoah) on April 23, 2012, at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

Among members of the government and the Canadian parliament as well as foreign dignitaries he attended the speech of Prime Minister Harper and the candle lighting ceremony (see pictures).

To us this invitation was not only well deserved for Willie being a Holocaust survivor and WW2 veteran but also in recognition of his tireless efforts (at the age of dynamic 91) in the research and conveyance of the past.


Willie Glaser speaking at the D-Day Normandy landings commemoration in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, June 6, 2009


Author: rijo

Date: April 8, 2012

Subject: Little Britain


computa says nooo!
(Screenshot from YouTube)

Just laugh your head off.


Little Britain on YouTube


Author: rijo

Date: March 18, 2012

Subject: Recommendable hotels within or near Nuremberg’s Old City


Nuremberg's finest accommodation - nooot!
(Graphics: rijo)

As a service to our foreign visitors and right on time for the start of the tourist season we published the until now top secret chart of places where you can rest undisturbed, the staff is friendly and helpful and prices reasonable, all in the very heart of the city, not in the sticks or at the autobahn - unless you fall asleep easier to the noises of a stockcar race.

Check it out!


Recommendable hotels within or near Nuremberg's Old City


Author: rijo

Date: January 8, 2012

Subject: Listen to a lady who has something to say - and enjoy it!


Regina Cornelsen Francois
(Graphics: rijo)

Regina Cornelsen Francois owns gifts, energy, an always creative mind, strong beliefs and a deeply humane philosophy of life which she can prove by her biography. Add her talent to convey her story and thoughts in writing and live both sophisticated and affecting and you gather the correct impression that she is a lady you and your friends, colleagues or students want to spend a most enlightening quality time with.

As luck has it, Regina is available for talks in the U.S. with curious and congenial people who appreciate her unique German-American mixture of humorous sincerity and laid-back southern sense of purpose.

We would be glad to get you in touch with her to share the RCF experience (write to: info[at] Until then you are invited to read her autobiographical sketch following the link below to learn why we love her.


Regina Cornelsen Francois: My Life - so far


Author: rijo

Date: December 27, 2011

Subject: transit nuernberg #4 author Jake Jacobson back in town


Then & now: Jake as a G.I. & 2011 in Nuremberg
(Photos: private & Susanne Rieger)


Q&A in both directions: Jake & our guests
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Two teachers exchanging experiences
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Still life with beer, book & rubber ducks
(photo: Susanne Rieger)

On December 21, 2011, a side trip during his stay in Europe offered us the opportunity to organize an informal get-together of Herbert (Jake) Jacobson, contributor to our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4, and friends from Nuremberg, Fuerth and Erlangen to exchange their views on past and present relations between the USA and Germany. The combination of Jake's Californian charm, the knowledge and interest on both sides and Bavarian beer created a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere in which any aspect of life could be discussed openly, ranging from (of course) domestic and foreign politics to education and language.

We want to thank Jake for his willingness to participate as well as the others for coming and sharing a good time. To us, this evening confirmed the correctness of our approach in print, events, guided tours and on the internet to emphasize the importance of personal experiences and encounters in order to understand history and its lessons for today.


Teaser from transit nuernberg #4 with the intro of Jake Jacobson's text An experience for a lifetime: A G.I.'s Nuremberg 1959 - 1961


Author: rijo

Date: December 11, 2011

Subject: transit nuernberg #4 in New York: If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere!


(Photo: Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein)

Many thanks to our New York born guest author Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein who granted asylum to one (more or less legal) immigrant copy of our German-English book transit nuernberg #4.

Now that we have arrived in the media metropolis of the East Coast - or intermittently at least on the balcony of Prof. Weinstein's Brooklyn apartment as a hideout with a breathtaking view of the Manhattan skyline - we cannot see any obstacles on the way of our book becoming a bestseller in the USA, too: All our associated American mobsters have to do is to kidnap a reviewer from the NYT Literary Supplement or The New Yorker and lock him up for a few hours with transit nuernberg #4 in the bathroom of a quiet little pizzeria. This treatment and casual remarks about the weight of concrete and the depth of the Upper New York Bay should suffice to cause a euphoric assessment in the next edition. If not, the Nuremberg godfathers will come over by themselves, first to punch a halved grapefruit into his face and then, if necessary, to shave his favorite horse with a machete.


Comeback to Nuremberg: Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein 1960 / 2010

Contents transit nürnberg #4: USA!


Author: rijo

Date: December 10, 2011

Subject: 50 years of Judgment at Nuremberg


(Graphics: rijo)

On December 14, 1961, the then ruling mayor of Berlin later to become federal chancellor Willy Brandt opened the world premiere of Stanley Kramer's film Judgment at Nuremberg stating: We [the Germans] are no shirkers. If the film serves justices, then we welcome it.

Mr. Brandt was too optimistic about his fellow countrymen because even 50 years later they are ambivalent towards Judgment, particularly in the city whose name is featured in its title. They do not really appreciate that their hometown has been the site of at least a few takes with Spencer Tracy and since then is associated visually not only with the Nazis' radio faces - first glowing at the party rallies and later contrite in the Nuremberg dock - but with the unforgettable performances of Montgomery Clift, Maximilian Schell or Judy Garland. Instead they still complain about inaccuracies (in a fictional plot) and how the Americans Kramer and Abby Mann, the writer of the original screenplay, could dare to dramatize such an awkward period of German history. It might be that they didn't get the message completely right.

To us Judgment will stay one of our all time favorite movies which story we tell for years on now (see link below). Therefore we will celebrate the anniversary of its first screening with a glass of Schwalbenwinkel and some Frankfurters while Colonel Lawson again exposes the Eskimos as the real perpetrators of the Third Reich's crimes.


Judgment at Nuremberg on rijo


Author: rijo

Date: December 10, 2011

Subject: Congrats & many kudos: Frank Harris has become 89 years young!


(Graphics: rijo)


We are mighty proud of being this man's (and his indispensable wife Beri's - see graphics) friends for he is what we always wanted to be: an amiable person and an infallible and indestructible organizer, traveling around the globe and single-handedly keeping together the families who were forced by the Nazis to leave Nuremberg and Fuerth. His infectious enthusiasm for serving the community in many ways is undiminished and would make an excellent role model for our sometimes somewhat disoriented society where many people look at themselves as the bellybutton of the world but hardly will leave any traces: Hang on, Frank, it is great to have you around!


To the biography of Frank Harris

Video interview with Frank Harris


Author: rijo

Date: December 4, 2011

Subject: rijo's author Ernest Haas in the newspaper / remembrance of the mass deportations from Nurenberg

Ernest Haas in the newspaper and on the screen in
the Nuremberg Documentation Center on November 29
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

The speakers at the panel on November 29 (from the left): Peter &
Dr. Samuel Stern (with spouses), Rudolf Ceslanski
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

Based upon an interview with Mr. Ernest Haas (USA), one of the last eyewitnesses of the events, the local newspaper Nuernberger Nachrichten in its weekend edition of November 26/27, 2011 printed an article remembering the first of three mass deportations from Nuremberg which took place 70 years ago to the camp Jungfernhof near the Latvian capital of Riga.

Neumarkt born Mr. Haas whose recollections of those years until his liberation in 1945 are available at (see link below) was also present - on the screen - at a panel organized on the occasion by the Nuremberg Documentation Center on November 29 when clips from a video were shown which was recorded during his visit in Germany this year. The live participants were Peter and Dr. Samuel Stern, U.S. citizens both born in Nuremberg and deported to Riga at the age of five and two years respectively, and Rudolf Ceslanski (Nuremberg), the son of Julius Ceslanski. The latter survived the Nazi camps but his wife was murdered as well as the father of the Stern brothers who perished in 1944.

The anniversaries of those heinous crimes - the transport to Riga was followed by two others to Izbica in eastern Poland in March and Theresienstadt in Bohemia in September 1942 displacing approx. 1,500 Nurembergers most of whom did not return - caused us to offer a three part series of guided tours in which we tell the stories of the victims and the perpetrators at authentic sites. Also, in May 2012 testimon publishers will provide a stage for researchers in order to present their current projects on local Jewish and Nazi history.


Ernest Haas: Neumarkt - Fuerth - Riga - USA

The Rosenzweig Letters: A Journey into the German-Jewish Tragedy


Author: rijo

Date: December 4, 2011

Subject: Mission accomplished (really)

(Graphics: rijo)

While the Euro is steadily heading downhill, our only anti-cyclical way is up: In October the range of coverage of our internet platforms, foremost, reached 72,630 hits (for comparison: 65,532 one year ago), an all time high since we keep records about it (August 2001).

Thanksalot to all our visitors and please return when you are looking for information or exclusive stories by our guest authors and us!


Author: rijo

Date: November 27, 2011

Subject: transit nuernberg #4: USA! on the road


Givens, Andersen, Spahr, Albrecht & the 5th Beatle: transit nuernberg #4: USA!
(Graphics: rijo)

Recently, our book is touring the West Coast with the guys of Backfire Band - from the left: Rodney Givens (lead singer & guitar), Jeff Andersen (lead guitar), Tom Spahr (drums & transit nuernberg #4 author) & Jim Albrecht (bass guitar) - thus being there where they make the crowds dance by having a good time with the best songs that Rock and Country Music have to offer.

To those who cannot attend a Backfire Band live gig we recommend to purchase a copy of transit nuernberg #4: USA! Reading the recollections of Army veterans like Tom who served in postwar Nuremberg, the inner jukebox of any music lover will play landmark tunes from In the Mood to Smoke on the Water connected to a shared German-American history.


Website BackfireBand

Contents transit nürnberg #4: USA!


Author: rijo

Date: November 1, 2011

Subject: Contribute to the rijo tree!


(Graphics: rijo)

If you feel like it and want to share a story, your thoughts or photos, do not hesitate to contact us at info[at] and join the exclusive group of more than 90 sparkling people from 14 different countries whose contributions in 7 languages already are online at Help the rijo tree to grow, blossom and branch out!


rijo's authors


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: February 29, 2012

Subject: Keyboarding and other martial arts


What I appreciate most about Dave is his noncommittal approach to playing music
(Photo: Dave Adler)


Dave's book: Learn from the best
(Photo: Hal Leonard)

There is no reason to trust the recommendation of somebody who never achieved more musically than being a passionate air guitar player to purchase Dave Adler's book The Total Keyboard Player besides

a) the author himself is not only a total but brilliant one
b) and a composer and multi-instrumentalist for that
c) and he surely is able to translate his musical mastery into comprehensible wording
d) and finally his fabulous family comes from over here.

So make his mother proud of him and become a better musician by buying The Total Keyboard Player and learning it by heart! Maybe then, someday you will be capable of doing something like Dave's CD Let My People Go-Go, one of our all time favorites.


Dave Adler's Website

Hal Leonard's page about The Total Keyboard Player

Zoom Golly's (a.k.a. Dave Adler) Let My People Go-Go


Author: rijo

Date: October 29, 2011

Subject: Pioneers


transit nuernberg #4: USA! on the bank of mighty Columbia River
(Photo: Tom Spahr)

Over mountains, through woods and desserts: Thanks to the help of our friend Tom Spahr an exploratory copy of our book transit nuernberg #4: USA! has reached the Columbia River on its Washington side and was caught resting there picturesquely in the sunshine. According to reliable sources an even more audacious sibling of it has crossed into Oregon where, as we learned from the papers, natives are no longer cannibals but still cling to savage habits such as riding on bicycles to work - in metropolitan areas!

Now we really feel like having done our share to push the frontier ever farther to the West (how much further can you go without getting wet?). The endurance and steadfastness of transit nuernberg #4: USA! is supposed to convince the minority of doubtful potential readers to finally buy it because even if you plan to go to the moon, it always will be your reliable and entertaining companion.


Tom Spahr in Nuremberg

Contents transit nürnberg #4: USA!


Author: rijo

Date: October 6, 2011

Subject: Revealing


(Photo: Ruth E. White)

21st century's brave new world encapsulated in just one poster, found and saved for posterity by our temporary central European correspondent and transit nuernberg #3&4 contributor Ruth E. White (otherwise living in sunny California) in Prague: Communism no longer is a threat but has turned into a cuddly teddy bear (though sporting a Kalashnikov with a somewhat mean grin) and must be explained to the ignorant youth in a museum residing above McDonald's which is still around and well may survive even a nuclear war - also a scary tale from long gone times?

Now we lay ourselves to rest in our freezer timed to be defrosted in 2111, looking forward to see the advertisements of the Museum of Capitalism in Peking which probably will depict the Declaration of Independence as a wrapping paper for a fried dachshund dish - hah hah hah? Don't choke with laughter.


Author: rijo

Date: July 22, 2011

Subject: English guided tour about the American presence in Nuremberg since 1945 with Dr. Harald T. Leder


Dr. Leder and transit nuernberg #4: USA! at Koenigstor
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Sheltering from the constant rain on Hauptmarkt (Main Market Square)
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Guests from South Africa: Students and their teacher Mrs. Rohwer (4th from the left) in Luitpoldstrasse participating with a smile
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


The group visiting a landmark of local Italian-German-American relations: The Pizzeria Americana vis-à-vis former Merrell Barracks
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


In front of former Merrell
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Dr. Leder discussing the history of the picturesque GYA Home #1 (to the back) near Dutzendteich
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

On the rainy afternoon of Sunday, July 3, 2011, the English version of our two-part walk through town premiered, headed by our friend and multiple online and print guest author Dr. Harald T. Leder from Baton Rouge (LA). Despite of the uninviting weather almost 100 people used the opportunity offered by the fact that Dr. Leder was in Germany at the time taking the annual summer tour of the country with Louisiana State University students.

Relaxed and entertaining the expert for US-German relations in postwar Nuremberg guided the group to oases and hot spots as it was announced in the program of the Stadt(ver)fuehrungen festival which took place that weekend with 400 events all over town. The participants straddled 50 years and several miles by foot and streetcar (re-)discovering sites such as Merrell Barracks, the Americana Club at Koenigstor, the joints in adjacent Luitpoldstrasse, the Bavarian-American Hotel or the German Youth Activities (GYA) Home #1 in Dutzendteichstrasse. As we hoped for, Dr. Leder's talk motivated quite a few of them to purchase our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4: USA! on the spot to dig deeper into this fascinating subject.

The very positive feedback encouraged us to offer the tour regularly on demand by English speakers. If you are interested, please contact us at: info[at]


Book, city tours, posters: Our triple whopper about Americans in Nuremberg

"Changing People's Minds? American Reorientation in Germany After World War II" by Dr. Harald T. Leder


Author: rijo

Date: July 16, 2011

Subject: Colonel Christopher M. Hickey's talk on U.S. politics in Iraq on July 5, 2011, at the German-American Institute (GAI) in Nuremberg


The crowd in the GAI's lecture room
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Colonel Hickey explaining a tactical map of Tal Afar
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


A competent and sympathetic speaker in action
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Colonel Hickey with our book transit nuernberg #4: USA!
(Photo: Ulrich Hirschmann)

On Tuesday, July 5, 2011, the German-American Institute Nuremberg presented Colonel Christopher M. Hickey’s well attended talk On Patrol in Fallujah and Tal Afar. Texas born Colonel Hickey, among others awardee of the Bronze Star Medal, was commander of the U.S. Army Garrison in Ansbach from September 11, 2010, until his return to the States on July 8 and following retirement.

In July 2003 he took command of 2nd Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment and till June, 2006, led his squadron through two deployments in Iraq. While engaged in securing the area around Fallujah and training the Iraqi army and police, he and his men had to learn the hard way how politics work in a region characterized by clans and sectarian divides. In a spirited presentation Colonel Hickey frankly discussed his personal experiences and provided his perspective on the American efforts towards state building on the grassroots level. He also openly addressed the psychological problems of the distressed soldiers on the ground in Iraq using the metaphor of cups of different sizes. Whenever an individual reached the maximum capacity he or she was taken out of the line of fire immediately.

Though Hickey was able to prove the successes of U.S. politics by statistics such as the declining attacks on patrols in Tal Afar, he gave the audience an impression of the fragility of what external intervention has achieved in Iraq. Eventually it is the Iraqis’ choice what will happen to their reconstructed country after the departure of coalition forces.


Contents transit nürnberg #4: USA!

Sorry, poor Libyans! Or a new era of German foreign policy has emerged

Ten years after September 11, 2001: A survey among U.S. citizens about the consequences


Author: rijo

Date: January 12, 2013

Subject: Interview #1 - Ruth K. Heiman (formerly of Nuremberg) in The New York Times



On April 17, 2011, the Metropolitan Section of The Sunday Times featured an interview with Nuremberg born Ruth K. Heiman about her life and her most precious belonging, the wedding ring of her mother who was murdered in the Holocaust. In it Mrs. Heiman, still active as a volunteer at the Leo Baeck Institute in NYC, made the remarkable statement: I live in the present; I don't live in the past. We are glad to be in touch with this very special lady.

Update: Ruth K. Heiman passed on December 14, 2012.


Luise David of Fuerth interviewed by local newspaper in Bloomington (IN)

Video interview with Frank Harris (formerly of Fuerth)


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: March 21, 2011 (Update January 09, 2024)

Subject: The Duke on Freedom




Old-fashioned, outdated, lofty, unsophisticated - and 14 years after the initial post more important than ever, because the Alamo of western civilization is under siege from within and the outside: Davy Crockett's (John Wayne) monologue about the meaning of the word Republic from the 1960 film. Thanks for the reference, Tom.


John Wayne's movies on YouTube

John Wayne's official website

John Wayne on Facebook


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: March 20, 2011

Subject: The limits of factuality


(Graphics: rijo)

When today a hard-nosed, economically liberal journalist analyzes the consequences of a natural disaster of biblical dimensions and draws comparisons, this is the resulting verbal fallout (from The Economist March 19th, 2011 issue):

The tsunami of December 2004 and the Kashmir earthquake of October 2005 involved death and destruction on an even wider scale [than the recent catastrophe on Japan’s eastern coast], yet had virtually no impact on growth rates. That was largely because the victims were mostly poor people who added little to GDP.

Never ask whether the consequences to the GDP might not be the right parameter for measuring a tragedy or in what a world we are living if such lines are published without the author and his editor blushing. My proposal for their epitaph would read:

Here lies X. His demise had a minor impact on the GDP of London’s West End which did not dent its growth rate. He is bemoaned by his fellow cynics, his stock broker and several grateful lobbyists.


The State of the Nations (rijo-comics)


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: March 19, 2011

Subject: Sorry, poor Libyans! Or a new era of German foreign policy has emerged


(Graphics: rijo)

On March 18, 2011, in the U.N. Security Council, Germany along with such paragons of democracy and freedom as China and Russia took part in the abstention from vote for a no-fly zone over Libya to protect the rebels from being massacred by the regime. Afterwards chancellor Merkel declared that her government is backing the aims of the resolution unambiguously. By that German foreign policy not only reached a unprecedented level of semantic outlandishness but detached itself from the rest of the free world.

Not that this kind of hubris came unexpected to the unbiased spectator: First there is the unbroken historic tradition that independent from what system of government, Germany never ever was eager to expose itself in a campaign for other peoples, besides World War I when its support for the Austro-Hungarian empire was deeply mixed with its own imperialistic and expansionist motives. After World War II, as long as it felt obliged to toe-up with its allies, it always did so with dragging feet and kept the lowest profile possible (see Bosnia, Afghanistan etc.). Now even those days are over.

Since 1945 the argument for such behavior frequently had been that history has taught us a lesson - which never gave us any qualms about selling weapons to anyone who could afford them, whether apartheid South Africa or Iran (before and after the Islamic revolution).

This time around German politicians dodge behind domestic public opinion which allegedly does not sustain a military intervention in Libya. That is a remarkable shift from the paternalistic way the bail out of German banks has been explained to Otto Normalverbraucher when he was simply told to shut up for not understanding the complexities while his tax money was thrown in billions at ruthless and incompetent financial managers to save their skins. How much is their survival compared to civilians under attack by a government running wild on bloodlust?

By affronting its allies at the U.N., self complacent Germany clearly overplayed its hand. Twenty years after reunification, cozily nestled in the political stability of central Europe and comfortably rimmed by the rind of the profits of its export industry, Germany is bothered no longer by minding others’ interests (or defending basic human rights). But the blame for such a pathetic and short-sighted stand is also on those abroad who fed this kind of a disengaged self perception by untiringly praising this country for being the leader of Europe by discretely exercising its economic power. Be invited to take a closer look at it and the mindset of its ruling class as it goes back to an understanding of international relations like at the Vienna Congress (watch out Poland!). This may work as long as one never needs support and do not care about acquiring friends along the way who might ask questions about one's reliability.

In the meantime good luck to you down there somewhere in the Sahara, may the better win. Just one little precautionary warning: Do not believe that we will take you in as political refugees if you lose. Ain’t that some motivation to fight on for your bare lives?


Henry Kissinger on the Germans (rijo-tv)


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: February 12, 2011

Subject: At last: A cure for ignorance


Try it, even if it is only for the placebo effect!


A problem as old as mankind finally has found its remedy: Asoka Trading Co. (# 204, Cottonpet, Bangalore-560 053, India) advertises its incense sticks as being helpful in the eternal fight against (among other ills) - ignorance!

What a perspective: Whenever you are nauseated again by the hair-raising stupidity of superiors, politicians or others, just place one of Asoka’s smoking sticks between them and yourself and they will become smart and decent. If the assumption of such an effect proves to be too optimistic, at least the air will smell better than before. When you happen to have, say, 1,000 pieces with you to ignite them simultaneously, you no longer have to stand the other’s face and may hope that the bastard eventually will suffocate from the fumes.


rijo humor


Author: rijo

Date: February 12, 2011

Subject: Biography of Ernie Everett (Lutz Eichbaum), formerly of Fuerth


Not Welcome is the story of Lutz Eichbaum’s (born 1923) admirable achievement in navigating his way through one of the most treacherous and cruel periods in world history. He witnessed the drama of several traumatic events which are linked together in his extraordinary story of survival, written by his daughter-in-law: the violence of Kristallnacht in Fuerth 1938, the rescue to the United Kingdom by the Kindertransport program 1939, the horrific voyage on the Dunera 1940 as an enemy alien and subsequent years of deplorable and isolated internment in Australia. He found hope, friendship and solace in the impressively organized community of internees as they continually appealed for justice and finally earned the right to recreate themselves in a strange country.

Sue Everett: Not Welcome. A Dunera Boy’s escape from Nazi oppression to eventual freedom in Australia. Hybrid Publishers 2010. Contact: everetts[at]



rijo's Fuerth index page

Riding the Storm Waves: The St. Louis Diary of Fritz Buff


Author: rijo

Date: February 11, 2011

Subject: BackfireBand & transit nuernberg #4 in The Castle Newsletter of 17 AR Association


In its January 2011 issue, The Castle Newsletter of 17th Artillery Regiment Association covered both the performance of BackfireBand (featuring our friend Tom Spahr on drums) at the homecoming of 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McCord in Washington last year and our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4. To us it is a great honor to be mentioned in this context: Many thanks!


Clipping from The Castle

He’s with the band: Merrell veteran Tom Spahr writing for transit nuernberg #4 & rocking the set


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: February 7, 2011

Subject: A sticky salute




Author: rijo

Date: February 6, 2011

Subject: Remembering G.I.s in Munich


Munich city hall, main entrance
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)



Memorial plaque for the U.S. forces liberating Munich on April 30, 1945
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

American traveler when you come to Munich … - go to the city hall at Marienplatz and enter through the main passageway which leads to the courtyard (see arrow). On the left wall you will find the memorial plaque pictured above which reads in English:

To the members of the U.S. Armed Forces who liberated Munich from Nazi tyranny on April 30, 1945. The municipality of the state capital Munich, April 30, 1992.

Certainly such an inscription in a prominent place like this and with this wording - even today liberation is no common place in Germany to describe what happened then - is a gallant way to honor the men who risked and sometimes lost their lives only a couple of days before VE-Day. We do not know any other German community which did something similar to commemorate those U.S. soldiers. And almost 20 years after the inauguration someone in charge even might catch up on the idea that it would be useful to add an English explanation to the site thus enabling the many American visitors to share in the remembrance of their fellow countrymen.


Book, city tours, posters: Our triple whopper about Americans in Nuremberg


Author: rijo

Date: February 1, 2011

Subject: Opening of the Memorial Nuremberg Trials / stories about the IMT in our book transit nuernberg #4: USA! & at


Cells in Nuremberg prison with individual guards in front of each door, 1945/46
(Photo: National Archives, College Park, MD, USA)


Checkpoint for pedestrians to the Palace of Justice, 1945/46
(Photo: National Archives, College Park, MD, USA)


The courthouse with room 600 and the Memorial Nuremberg Trials
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


View from the Memorial into the courtroom with a model of its historic setting during the Nuremberg Trials
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Interior of the Memorial with its permanent exhibition
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Display explaining the crucial role of Judge Robert H. Jackson in the IMT
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

On November 20, 2010, 65 years after the opening session of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in the city, the Memorial Nuremberg Trials was inaugurated on the top floor of the courthouse comprising the historic room 600 (address: Baerenschanzstrasse 72, 90429 Nuremberg). A permanent exhibition enhanced by English audio guides outlines the proceedings and their consequences for international law up to today.

Of course we are also dealing with the trials and their aftermath for almost as long as exists (see links below). As the latest addition we published the recollections of Prof. Leo Katz, a Nuremberg born refugee who served as an interpreter at the IMT and one of the sequel trials, in our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4: USA!


Website of the Memorial Nuremberg Trials

Contents transit nürnberg #4: USA!

Writings on the wall - Graffiti of Allied military personnel at the Nuremberg Nazi rally grounds

The Nuremberg Trials at

Ernest Lorch: My Story
As a G.I., a former Nuremberger delivered most of the war criminals to his place of birth.

Directory of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals' Personnel in January 1948

The Lessons of Nuremberg
Reactions of the audiences in Nuremberg, Bamberg & Wuerzburg to the U.S. film about the IMT.

Judgment at Nuremberg or when the Eskimos took over Germany in 1933
The story of the classic film, seen from the perspective of local history before and after 1945.


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: January 2, 2011

Subject: Tom Spahr in Nuremberg


Inspection time after 40 years: Tom on the balcony above the entrance to former Merrell Barracks
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Tom in front of Merrell's main gate
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Mr. Robert Drews who showed Tom around the building and a happy veteran obvioulsy enjoying themselves
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Tom at the Nazi party rally grounds
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Spreading high spirits: Tom flanked by Mrs. Green (left) and their hostess Mrs. Mueller-Rohde during the presentation of the book transit nuernberg #4: USA!
(Photo: Tom Spahr)


Cumulative American power in Nuremberg: Tom & transit nuernberg #4: USA!
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


Soon to become more than a collage: BackfireBand in Nuremberg
(Graphics: rijo)

For the presentation of our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4: USA! on Nov. 19, 2010, 17th FA Regiment’s veteran Tom Spahr visited Nuremberg almost 40 years after his bunk stood here in Merrell Barracks.

During his stay which included the obligatory sightseeing of Nuremberg’s scenic old town Tom checked his former quarters near Dutzendteich pond which now houses a federal agency and made an excursion to Grafenwoehr training area where he was welcomed by the USAG’s media relations officer Mr. Franz Zeilmann. For strictly scientific purposes he also tested the local food and beverages in order to detect any deterioration of its quality within four decades. The result: no problemo, thumbs up!

Tom kindly participated in the rollout show for transit nuernberg #4: USA! being interviewed live about his experiences by the charming hostess Mrs. Verena Mueller-Rohde along with Mrs. Hilde Green, another eyewitness who was married to a G.I. for many years.

Personally, his trip provided us with the chance to get to know a very congenial man and convincing representative of his country with whom we share a passion for good music. Seen from this angle it only has been the reconnaissance for bigger things still to come (see our photo composition above). At the latest for BackfireBand’s projected gig in front of the Zeppelin grand stand (no date fixed yet, still negotiating with a newcomer group called “The Rolling Stones” to act as the opener), former and active U.S. servicemen in the Nuremberg region are obliged to come here to cheer for the guys from Washington State. Until then you can read about Tom’s and others’ tours of duty in northern Bavaria in transit nuernberg #4: USA! Just ask him: You will not regret it.


He’s with the band: Merrell veteran Tom Spahr writing for transit nuernberg #4 & rocking the set


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: August 25, 2010

Subject: He’s with the band: Merrell veteran Tom Spahr writing for transit nuernberg #4 & rocking the set


1971: Tom Spahr as a G.I. in Germany
(Photo: private)


2010: Tom Spahr drumming in the USA
(Photo: GAP Photo)



Prime music & prime ribs
(Photo: BackfireBand)


BackfireBand receiving a keepsake when playing at 5th SBCT Homecoming on July 16, 2010. (L-R) Jim Albrecht, Ron McGinnis, Rod Givens, Tom Spahr, LT Aldebert Concepcion of 5th SBCT (Photo: BackfireBand)





BackfireBand opening for Travis Tritt at the Napavine Amphitheater on July 31, 2010, left: Jim Albrecht playing the bass guitar, right (L-R): Spahr, Givens, Albrecht (Photos: GAP Photo)

From 1971 through 1972 Washington State born Tom Spahr served with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 17th Artillery at Merrell Barracks in Nuremberg and in Grafenwoehr. For this reason we asked him to write about his experiences in Germany in our bilingual book transit nuernberg #4: USA! (see link below). Entitled “I hear that song and it all comes back” Tom delivered a very personal and richly illustrated account on his tour of duty for which we owe him many thanks.

As the headline of his text suggests, there is another affinity between him and us: It’s only Rock ’n’ Roll - but we like it, he as the drummer of the BackfireBand, we as mere fans. BackfireBand (line-up: Jim Albrecht - bass, Ron McGinnis - lead guitar, Rod Givens - vocals & guitar, Tom Spahr - drums) has got an exquisite repertoire ranging from own material to an A (AC-DC) - B (Garth Brooks) - C (CCR) of classic Rock, Country and R&B songs. In their live performances such a versatility paired with energy, professionalism and enthusiasm for what they do makes it easy for the musicians to electrify any crowd.

Among the latest highlights in BackfireBand’s history there was one event particularly meaningful to Tom as a veteran of 3-17 FA: the homecoming from Afghanistan of the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McCord (JBLM), Washington, on July 16, 2010, because his old unit was part of the brigade that deployed back to JBLM. To quote Tom: “The 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division has had the most k.i.a.s of any group since WW2. Been hit hard, but what great individuals they are. So appreciative and respectful.”

We wish the Strykers of whom the 2nd SCR is stationed at Rose Barracks in Vilseck, only 56 kilometers from Nuremberg, that their mission soon will be accomplished and they may come back home from the Middle East for good. Otherwise we have another, more personal vision: seeing the BackfireBand performing Tom Petty’s “Running Down a Dream” at Nuremberg’s Zeppelinfeld, the former Soldiers’ Field, in front of an audience made up of music loving gals and dudes from both nations, civilians and G.I.s.


Website BackfireBand

BackfireBand on Facebook

transit nuernberg #4 & more

Nuremberg & Graf - almost 40 years later (with photos by Tom Spahr)

Tom Spahr in Nuremberg (November 2010)


Author: rijo

Date: August 20, 2010

Subject: LSU with transiturs in Munich


The group in front of the "Fuehrerbau" near Koenigsplatz
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)



At Platz der Opfer des Nationalsozialismus with the memorial for the victims of Nazism
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)


In Brienner Strasse near Karolinenplatz (the guy with the cap is Dr. Leder - Hi, Harald!)
(Photo: Susanne Rieger)

On July 19, 2010, our own Ms. Rieger a.k.a. our tourist branch transiturs, again was happy to guide a group of students during Louisiana State University’s “LSU in Germany” program through her native city of Munich. As in the previous four years, according to the curriculum the emphasis of the tour was put on sites where the role of Munich as the cradle of the Nazi party materializes in bricks and mortar.

The students from Baton Rouge, headed by our friend Dr. Harald T. Leder who translated and enhanced the explanations, were an attentive crowd, not only passively taking in the historic information but some of them also being required to give brief lectures on pertaining subjects.

We hope for these annual visits to be continued because we consider them to be lasting and important experiences for both sides which should not be sacrificed to shortsighted budget arguments.


Young Americans in Nuremberg (LSU in Germany 2009)

Two Photos make History. The 10th March 1933 in the Life of Dr. Michael Siegel by Isabel A.


Author: rijo

Date: February 3, 2013

Subject: Luise David of Fuerth interviewed by local newspaper in Bloomington (IN)



In its issue of February 12, 2010, The Herald-Times of Bloomington (Indiana) featured an extensive interview with Luise David (94), our longtime Fuerth born friend about her memories as a forced emigrant from Germany to the USA.

Luise, nee Dreyfuss, daughter of the popular physician Dr. Albert Dreyfuss from Schwabacher Strasse told the journalist about her forced emigration in 1938 via Hamburg, initially alone with her baby boy, only later followed by her husband hence she had to make her first steps in the United States all on her own as a temporary single mother for a couple of months.

Two episodes in particular prove Luise's adorable wit and vitality. She summarizes her professional career as an accountant of 30 years in a textile factory as follows: I was one of the best money collectors they ever had. I worked like a man and got paid like a woman. But when I retired at the age of 86, the company gave me a $5,000 bonus.

A 6-foot-tall rubber tree is adorning her retirement home apartment. It is a layer of the original plant her husband bought her 74 years ago on her first birthday after they had married: And it's still growing new leaves.

We take pride to be in touch with such an exceptional lady for many years and to have her brief autobiography on (see link).

Note: Luise David passed away on September 3, 2012.


Luise David: How We Survived. Chronicles of Our Family

Ruth K. Heiman (formerly of Nuremberg) in The New York Times

Video interview with Frank Harris (formerly of Fuerth)


Author: rijo

Date: July 10, 2010

Subject: Article about Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein & transit nuernberg #4 in "Warner Weekly"



In its issue of July 1, 2010, “Warner Weekly”, the newspaper of the U.S. Army Garrison Bamberg featured an extensive story by Ms. Ashley Bateman (USAG Bamberg Public Affairs) about testimon publishers’ author Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein and our forthcoming book transit nuernberg #4. Thanks for that - it’s really worth reading, folks!


To the article

Comeback to Nuremberg: Prof. Raymond M. Weinstein 1960 / 2010


Author: rijo

Date: July 10, 2010

Subject: Book, city tours, posters: Our triple whopper about Americans in Nuremberg


(Graphics: rijo)


For all who are interested in the relations between Nuremberg and the USA, from now on we have got 3 unbeatable offers.

1) The bilingual book transit nuernberg #4: Merrell Barracks, emigration, the IMT, Atlanta (Georgia): Code words for the mutual relations between Nuremberg and the United States. transit nuernberg #4 contains articles by people from both sides of the Atlantic who are competent to write about the topic either because of their own experiences or their professional knowledge.

2) transiturs guided city tours "Amis gone home". With the victory parade on April 21, 1945, the presence of the U.S. Army in Nuremberg started to continue for five decades. During their tour of duty thousands of G.I.s and their families got to know the city. What do they remember about Nuremberg, where did they leave their traces, how were they looked upon by the locals? The two-part tour through the Old Town and around the Dutzendteich pond answers these questions using eyewitness reports, authentic contemporary sources and historical photos.

3) Poster series NoricAmerica: 20 impressive graphics highlight different aspects of local German-American relations from 1944 until today.

Of course, not to forget are also the pertinent stories at For more information on our U.S. offensive please see the following links.



transit nuernberg #4: USA! - Teaser (digests of some of the stories)

noricAmerica: A poster series about Nuremberg & America 1944 - 2010

rijo at rescue: an emergency airlift of genuine Nuremberg gingerbread to the United States

U.S. veteran Tom Spahr visiting Nuremberg

Survey among former U.S. Servicemen in Nuremberg


Author: rijo

Date: May 1, 2010

Subject: H. Peter Sinclair (1921 Munich - 2010 London)


(Graphics: rijo)


On April 27, 2010, our Munich born friend H. Peter Sinclair passed away in London.

For us, Peter not only was a unique eyewitness of Bavarian-Jewish history, but primarily a man we very much appreciated for his positive attitude towards life, his inexhaustible energy, his typical Munich sense of humor and his steady readiness to engage on behalf of others. He contributed his historical knowledge and his language skills also to by translating some of our stories into English such as the one linked below about the Jewish community center at Jakobsplatz.

Another significant quality about Peter was his openness towards the opportunities which the Internet offers. He was a wizard in using them thus keeping in touch with his former home.

We take pride in hosting his virtual heritage, his extensive autobiography and an essay about his father, Dr. Michael Siegel, which Peter procured from the author and translated.

The passing of “der Alte Peter” as he dubbed himself jokingly in allusion to the nickname of Munich’s oldest church St. Peter, and his Nuremberg born wife Susan (d. 2006) leaves us with a gapping void.


From Siegel to Sinclair: The story of a Jewish family in our times

Two Photos make History. The 10th March 1933 in the Life of Dr. Michael Siegel by Isabel A.

A new synagogue for Munich: the history of the “Project St.-Jakobs-Platz” 1999 - 2007


Author: rijo

Date: April 24, 2010

Subject: Howard Zinn: Optimism in the face of uncertainty


(Photo: Gerhard Jochem)

To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives.

If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future.

The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.

Howard Zinn, Historian
August 24, 1922 - January 27, 2010

Our thanks to Ruth E. White, Ph.D. for providing these quotations.



Author: rijo

Date: April 2, 2010

Subject: It's only the beginning: transit nuernberg #3 at Pegasus on Solano in Berkeley (CA)


(Photo: Ruth E. White)


(Photo: Ruth E. White)


(Photo: Ruth E. White)


(Photo: Ruth E. White)

Up to now non-German speaking Americans were relatively safe not to be confronted with the products of our testimon publishers branch (as if it is an argument not to buy our books and magazines just because one cannot read them - there are also pictures in it!). This complacency soon will come to an end because the 4th edition in our series transit nuernberg (to be published in November 2010, simply entitled “USA!”) will be a 300 pages bilingual English-German tome!

As to any event of such cosmic dimensions, there are ominous omens, in our case the mysterious appearance of the current issue transit nuernberg #3 at the Pegasus bookstore on Solano Avenue in the beautiful Californian university town of Berkeley. Being asked for it by Ruth E. White, Ph.D. our West Coast correspondent (and sales representative in the Pacific area between San Francisco and Manila), people there were kind enough to grant sanctuary to one migrant copy of the book. As can be seen above, it immediately felt comfortable in the company of paragons like Robert Crumb or Isha Schwaller de Lubicz (no idea about this one, but certainly a great name) and cover blondes.

Thanks to the friendly clerks at Pegasus on Solano - please support your local independent bookseller and buy your reading there - our smooth infiltration of the American market has started, maybe yet unnoticed but with unforeseeable consequences in the near future: Simon & Schuster beware!


Author: Gerhard Jochem

Date: February 6, 2010

Subject: A prediction from the past for the present


(Graphics: rijo)


The whole generation is womanized; the masculine tone is passing out of the world; it’s a feminine, a nervous, hysterical, chattering, canting age, an age of hollow phrases and false delicacy and exaggerated solicitudes and coddled sensibilities, which, if we don’t look out, will usher in the reign of mediocrity, of the feeblest and flattest and the most pretentious that has ever been.

Henry James, The Bostonians - 1886!


The Meltdown (rijo-tv)

The State of the Nations (rijo-comics)


Author: rijo

Date: January 22, 2010

Subject: “California Dreamin'” - of Nuremberg!


(Photos: Ruth E. White)

Again our U.S. West Coast correspondent Ruth E. White, Ph.D. had the right instinct for sensational photo motives and went for us to a parking lot in El Cerrito (CA) on an early Saturday morning in January 2010 with her iPhone. The result of this adventurous expedition can be viewed above: The car of a convinced fan waving the flag of Nuremberg and Franconia by all means thus confronting innocent Californians with German word monsters as “Metropolregion” (greater city area) and the shameless self praise “Nuremberg: Germany’s treasure casket” (“Nuernberg, Deutschlands Schatzkaestlein”).

Obviously the drive knows how to combine the better parts of both worlds reminiscing the charms of where we are living (a zillion of different beer brands, soccer, our websites) in the milder climate of California. Also we learn from Ruth’s picture that not only Californian governors formerly from Austria may take pride in their roots. Yet another case for our transit nuernberg publication series of which this year's edition will be bilingual English-German for the first time!


The Life of Sigmund Seligsberger (1863 - 1949): from Franconia to the U.S.


Author: rijo

Date: January 22, 2010

Subject: Riding the Storm Waves: The St. Louis Diary of Fritz Buff




Headline of the Jewish Standard's edition of Dec. 4, 2009


Covered by the Jewish Standard, the largest Jewish newspaper in the U.S.A., rijo's friend Fred (Fritz) Buff's diary of his voyage on the dreaded refugees ship St. Louis was published in October 2009.

In his article for the JS, Warren Boroson writes about the author and his recollections:

Buff was born in 1921, in Krumbach, Germany. His parents and sister reached the United States a few months before he did. When the St. Louis returned to Europe, in 1939, he was accepted into Belgium. Later he sailed to England, then to the United States, arriving at Ellis Island in 1940 and later meeting up with his parents. In 1944, despite his deferment for working in the defense industry, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. In 1945, in Okinawa, he took part in the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific, which lasted 82 days. After the war he attended City College of New York at night and the Advanced Management Program of Harvard Business School. He worked for Tenneco Chemical Company, becoming president of his division. Later, he started Tekpak, which manufactured foam products. In 1952, he became a charter member of the JCC of Paramus, and from 1974 to 1976 he was president.

His diary is an electrifying document - you feel you are there, on board the St. Louis as it makes its horrifying voyage. Sometimes it’s funny: Because the ship has seven decks, at times Buff gets lost and must ask directions back to his cabin. Sometimes it’s heartening: Sailing on a German ship during the Nazi era, he never expected to be served kosher meals. And poignant: The passengers, approaching Havana, could only wave to any of their relatives on shore or in small boats. As for the United States, “We could not understand why this land of our dreams and also of our likely final destination would not liberate us from our agony and uncertainty.... Are we destined to become another ship like the Flying Dutchman in Wagner’s opera?

The book titled Riding the Storm Waves: The St. Louis Diary of Fritz Buff was edited by Maryann McLoughlin, Ph.D., and can be ordered online at:


Vanishing Point Munich: The Jewish Trade School 1937 - 1942

Top | © Susanne Rieger, Gerhard Jochem; last update: 10 Jan. 2025